bullet  The character is not an aspect of the Akita that we can measure with a yardstick. Nevertheless it is a fundamental and most important aspect of the breed. [Read more]
1995 red 1996 brindle 1997 brindle 1997 red 2000 brindle 2000 koryugo
2002 red2 2002 red3 2002 red Akiho Magazine, male JKC Calendar 1980 red
1980 Hokuzan 1980 brindle 1981 brindle 1981 white 1982 brindle 1982 brindle2
1982 red 1982 red2 1987 brindle 1987 red 1991 brindle 1991 brindle2
1991 red 1991 red2 1991 white 1994 brindle 1994 brindle2 1994, brindle, puppy
1995 brindle 1994 red 1994 red2 1994 red3 1994 red4 1994 brindle3

reference collection
FCI Akita Standard and Analysis
FCI American Akita Dog Standard
bullet  The "Akita dog", which is a natural monu-ment, and the only surviving large Japanese dog is currently in a stage of a sharp decline. Its popularity is being overtaken by the small Japanese dogs. [Read more]
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