bullet  The Akita dog’s strength, keen eyes, keen scent, perseverance silence and speed, all added to their adaptability to hunt in deep snow. They are at their best, when they are able to gently retrieve in its mouth a waterfowl brought down by the hunter's arrow. [Read more]
Female head Male head Meisei pup female pup
male pup Tetsu Japan litter Sunny litter
7 mo female 5.5 mo male Starfields Benni Hana Shobo´s Queen Of Rhythm
Bonjovison JKC Pup Sinder Ouka
Puppy JD, puppy Joii‚ Dashi‚ Brew
FCI Akita Standard and Analysis
FCI American Akita Dog Standard
bullet  The Japanese Akita dog literature maintains that the original Akita dog standards have not been changed. Knowledgeable Japanese dog writers say that the original Akita dog standards were written to purify and improve the impure Akita dog. [Read more]
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