akita dog, dogs akita dog, dogs
bullet  Raising Akita dogs or attending Akita dog shows without an adequate knowledge of the true qualities of the Akita makes it difficult for one to appreciate the good and bad qualities, as well as leaving some doubts in one's mind. [Read more]
Our dogs
Special wins
Memory lane
Mr. Hirose's visit
Akita World interview
Past perspectives
Hellen Keller
AKC Standard
1960 ACA standard
FCI American Akita Dog Standard
The Japan experience
Trip to Odate museum
  Rather than breed toward the current trends of the day, we strive to preserve the Akita that in 1931 was declared a Natural Monument in Japan, breeding the type of dog envisioned by the learned pioneers who wrote an Akita Standard as the guide where by the true Akita would emerge. [Read more]
bullet   An Akita has quiet strength, dignity and courage. An Akita is large, with a powerful bone structure as the foundation of the body. The dog 's sheer size, combined with its regal bearing, gives it the aura of being "king of all dogs." [Read more]
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